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What is an ANSI X12 EDI 997 Message?

The ANSI X12 EDI 997 message acts as both a technical and functional acknowledgement for any ANSI x12 EDI message exchanged between suppliers and customers. As a technical response, an EDI 997 confirms the receipt and acceptance of the main message. It can also state the approval or rejection of the previously submitted interchange and a detailed list of errors as a functional response.  

Although EDI 997 messages are not always mandatory, they are a vital message type for the electronic purchasing process in manufacturing industries. There are mostly used as a reaction on an EDI 850 Purchase Order or EDI 810 Invoice.


Usage of the ANSI X12 EDI 997 Message

There are two different styles of the ANSI X12 EDI 997 message. Either as a technical response or a functional response.

A technical acknowledgement informs the recipient that the previous interchange has been received, whether it has been accepted, and references the message type and ID. A technical response would comprise of AK1 (Functional Group Response Header), AK2 (Transaction Set Response Header) and AK5 (Transaction Set Response Trailer), stating the Original Transaction, the Transaction Control number and Response code. A functional acknowledgement would also include AK3 (Data Segment Note) and AK4 (Data Element Note) segments, which details the specifics within the Data Segments and Elements which caused the error and reasons for a failure.

Benefits of the ANSI X12 EDI 997 Message

EDI 997 messages have many different benefits

An automatic audit trail can be generated

by which the sender will get confirmation if the triggering message has been accepted and received by the receiver

Supply chain and financial transactions are protected
EDI 997 introduce easier troubleshooting
If parts of the message were rejected, the sender gets this information with rejection reasons
If only part of a message is denied, the accepted information can still be used and processed

this can also be reported back to the sender

Cause of rejection can be compared with an ERP system

and diagnosed against the previously sent message

Ensure stable use of ANSI X12 EDI 997 Acknowledgement files

SEEBURGER B2B/EDI solutions are state-of-the-art for reliability and stability. For operating a very reliable supply chain, we recommend EDI 997 Acknowledgements to protect financial transactions, enhance troubleshooting and lower the error rate when exchanging messages with external EDI Trading Partners, which you don’t have operational control over.

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