What is an EDIFACT INVRPT Message?
The EDIFACT INVRPT (INVentory RePorT) message is sent between trading partners to inform them about suppliers held inventory or a partner’s current stock levels. They are used to describe the current availability of stock or goods. They can be used to inform about initial stock, final stock, and the movement of goods between warehouses for a specific period. It follows the EDI message standard UN/EDIFACT and could be considered an essential message type for the electronic purchasing process.
The use of the EDIFACT INVRPTL Message
A supplier of goods would use the EDIFACT INVRPT to update their partners with their current stock levels and future stock levels. This would allow their Partners to plan their future orders, and the supplier can start selling their goods before they have been produced or have arrived to site. These messages are also used to inform partners that items are out of stock.
Inventory Reports are typically generated via a supplier’s in house system into their specific ERP format, such as INVRPT IDOC. The EDI solution would then translate this information into the partner’s specific EDI format. Within the EDIFACT standard, some of the more commonly used versions are:
How does a typical EDIFACT INVRPT Structure look like?

The inventory reports contain a range of information that details the supplier’s stock. The message is sent, received, and processed by an EDI Solution, which could either be an online EDI Cloud Service or an in-house EDI software solution. It is essential to follow the partner’s specific EDIFACT INVRPT standard to ensure all mandatory and required information is supplied.
A typical EDIFACT INVRPT Message includes:
- Name and address of both the supplier and partner
- Date to indicate when this specific INVPRT was generated
- Reference numbers
- Item reference numbers and descriptions
- Inventory management details, such as stock movements and quantity
Processing of the EDIFACT INVRPT Message
Once a partner receives a new INVRPT EDI message, their EDI solution can process this information and convert it to their own in house ERP format. Once in this recognized format, this information can be imported into the ERP system and update this supplier’s current and future stock levels to aid future orders from the Partner.
EDIFACT INVRPT Example in the EDI Workflow
EDI messages sent between business partners follow a typical sequence of steps, dependent on the industry in which they operate.
The below example shows where the INVRPT could be used in conjunction with other messages in a Retails scenario:

What are the equivalents of EDIFACT INVRPT in other EDI Standard Formats?
VDA messages are still commonly used in the automotive industry. The VDA 4990 Global Inventory report would be the equivalent message sent if using the VDA standard of messages. If partners were using the ANSI X12 standard, an EDI 846 Inventory Inquiry message would be used instead.
Typical Errors when using the EDIFACT INVRPT Message
By using the EDIFACT INVRPT messages, many future problems may be avoided
- Customers will no longer order items which are currently out of stock
- They will also be informed when items are being discontinued so that they can amend their future orders
Benefits using EDI and the EDIFACT INVRPT Message
Exchanging planning documents via EDIFACT INVRPT brings benefits to both customers and suppliers
They can also be told when these items will become available again
ERP systems can be automatically updated with stock levels and replenishment dates
Automatically updated stock levels will aid all future orders
Avoidance of partners ordering out of stock items and discontinued items
Better supplier ratings
Ensure stable use of EDIFACT Inventory Acknowledgement files
When you look into replacing your legacy EDI solution with the latest and greatest technology, you should evaluate your options for operating in a cost-effective way. SEEBURGER provides you all options booking it as an EDI Cloud Service in the SEEBURGER Cloud or in public cloud environments like the ones from Google, Azure, AWS etc. as well as an on-premises software solution.