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What is an EDIFACT SLSRPT Message?

The EDIFACT SLSRPT (SaLeS data REPort) message is used to inform trading partners of a wide range of sales data, such as product identification, pricing, location, and quantities for a specified period. This information enables the recipient to adjust their future production and planning requirements. It follows the EDI message standard UN/EDIFACT and is a message type for the retail industries' electronic purchasing process.


The use of the EDIFACT SLSRPT Message

This message is used to distribute sales data for one or more locations for a specified period. It is usually sent from a seller to their supplier, but this could also be generated via a sales coordinator or distribution center and sent directly to the manufacturer or third party supplier working on behalf of the partners involved.

The messages are generated via the seller’s ERP system and then converted into the specific EDIFACT SLSRPT version, which the trading partner has agreed upon. Once received, this data can then be imported into the trading partners system, and the data can be used to influence all future production and planning.

Benefits using EDI and the EDIFACT SLSRPT Message

Exchanging planning documents via ANSI X12 EDI 830 for customer and supplier

Reduce employee workload
Better quality of data, due to direct computer to computer communication
Less paper-based waste and administrative overhead
Complete Supply Chain transparency
Closer integration of supplier and point of sales (PoS) in the retail industry
Better accuracy to all planning and forecasts

Ensure stable use of EDIFACT Sales Data Report

SEEBURGER makes all opportunities available for you: In the SEEBURGER Cloud as EDI Cloud Services, operated on site in your own data center or in public cloud environments (e.g., Google, Azure, AWS, etc.). When you look into replacing your legacy EDI solution technology, you should evaluate your options to operate cost-effectively and in a stable way.

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